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Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Robot Motion Follower with Image Processing

Another idea for a motion following robot. This Robot brings a wireless camera to transmit real time video data to a computer. The computer is programmed with an image processing algorithm that detect the direction/motion of captured object. It will then command the robot to move to follow the object whereever it goes.

This Robot consist of:
1. Circular plate chassis
2. 2 servo motors
3. 2 plastic tyres and 1 ball caster
4. Controller using AVR microcontroller
5. Wireless camera
6. Wireless data transceiver YS1020UA
7. Mobile phone/GSM modem SIM300C
8. Batery pack 6V

The image processing algorithm developed by matlab and compiled to C++. The microcontroller program developed using Code Vision AVR.


Ikhsan D"loser said...

permisi mas, bisa minta program buat robotnya ga? sekalian, tolong jelasin pengaturan YS1020UA di dalam robot tersebut?


Klo pake arduino dan shield OV7670 bisa ajarin pak ? ambil kelas khursus yg model apa di prasimax untuk bisa buat robot spt itu pak ? dan berapa kira2 biayanya ?

Unknown said...

untuk mengkoneksikan transceiver ke laptop supaya gambar bisa diproses matlabnya pake apa mas?
pake frame grabber atau tv tuner card ?
mohon pencerahan. Terima kasih

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